Photo of Shannon playing with a garden scepter, by Lorna Tedder
Just a reminder to all of our friends in Florida– Shannon, Aislinn, and I will be attending the Florida Pagan Gathering at Camp Ocala for Beltaine 2008! We’ll be there laaaaate Thursday, May 1st (after Shannon’s college classes) and leaving early Sunday, May 4th (to get Shannon back in time for her finals), but look forward to having lots of fun and visiting with friends in-between.
Last time we were there (Samhain 2006), my dad was dying and it was a difficult emotional time in many ways, with me worried much of the time that we’d have to leave for the hospital. I leaned on Aislinn heavily, energetically-speaking, and made some wonderful new friends whose words I have never
forgotten. This time, I’m looking forward to a “lighter” trip.
We’re not there to teach or sell this year–just going for some well-deserved fun and down-time.
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