Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree Ebb and Flow.
Almost a year ago, Kelley Harrell of made a shamanic journey for me. (And do check her out!) I’d learned so much from her book, Gift of the Dreamtime and Kristin’s Madden’s The Shamanic Guide to Living and Dying, that I felt I needed more of this experience. Something else for my spiritual toolbox, something new to put yet another spin on all the things I was learning. So I asked Kelley to make a journey for me and check on a few things for me, and then later, after we’d discussed it and I’d let things settle a bit, I’d do a follow-up with her.
I hadn’t read back over the results in several months—okay, many months, since I’d misplaced it—but I’m doing a little bit of cleaning up and came across the initial “trip report” she’d sent me. There’s nothing like seeing how far you’ve come until you stop, turn around, and take a good look behind you.
I’ll share Kelley’s insights, as well as my initial impression (including when the reaction was “Holy #!&@*#$&!” or “Huh?”) and what I think now, given some time and distance.
Cards drawn:
Fire—Cartouche Deck (cycle of destruction, purging, creation) Tour Ship—Contact Cards (calm, smooth sailing, indicating a well-deserved vacation and the path of least resistance in undertakings)
My reaction then:
Omigods. A cycle of destruction? Just what I need! But oh, look—I’m going to get a well-deserved vacation. Oh, good. That’s what I need! I can rest soon!
My reaction now:
A cycle of destruction, purging, creation? That’s death and rebirth, isn’t it? Even though at the time of the journey I was a year into my new independent life as a divorced woman, there was still more to be purged. A lot more. Seeds were planted, yes, but even more of my old life had to be destroyed to make room for the creation of the new.
As for the well-deserved vacation and the path of least resistance, it seems that many things took the path of least resistance to break apart and form something new. The things that broke or burned away did so very quickly when they did break or spark. Very unlike my relationships in the past. Always before, I’d overstayed my welcome in relationships, until the point where they were out of balance, and it would have been best if I’d left long before instead of hanging on until the other person, organization, group, project, whatever pointedly moved on without me. What broke apart in the past year had no lingering whatsoever. When it was done, it was done.
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