For about 15 months, I offered regular Full Moon and Eclipse Rituals as part of this blog. If you’re interested, check out the Astrology category and read some of the posts from 2008 and 2009.
For those of you looking for rituals, prayers, or meditations for the Full Moon eclipse on June 26, 2010, I’m not providing a full-length ritual but I do have some powerful suggestions that you may wish to incorporate into your spiritual work. I realize that many of you are doing work specifically for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and for health issues, so I’m focusing on those here today. I think you’ll like the imagery.
Using the astrology signs: This particular Full Moon is always very powerful to me, especially if it’s close to the Summer Solstice (earlier this week on June 21, 2010). That’s because the Sun is in Cancer and it’s very much a father-feel to this time of year as the Sun is at its height and the days are longest. Sun in Cancer is a gentle and fluid form of masculine, protective energy, yet Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is feminine, fluid, emotional, nurturing. And this particular Full Moon is in decidedly non-watery, non-fluid, non-emotional, structured and staid Capricorn, an earth sign. To me, this is about as opposite as you can get. But…it’s the perfect time for manifesting, especially manifesting emotional things or things that need…”flow.” Capricorn is the best of all astrological signs for manifesting. Think of making something rock-solid.
Recommended tool/image to incorporate for a beautiful ritual or prayer:
Water. Leave a sealed container of pure water out overnight in the light of the full moon.
Try to time your prayer/ritual/meditation for the time of the eclipse—here on the Gulf Coast of Florida where we’re watching the oil overtake our white beaches and threaten our groundwater if Tropical Storm/Hurricane Alex comes ashore, the timing is 6:31 AM Central Time, with the Ascendant in Cancer and the eclipse in the Sixth House of Health and Daily Life.
During your spiritual work, focus on the some aspect of the water that you would like to manifest solidly . For example, the water may represent purity of the Gulf of Mexico. If you’re seeking to improve your health, it might represent contamination in the body being washed away. It might represent the flow of emotion in a relationship or the ability to be fluid under hard times. Since this eclipse is under a T-square formation and has many sharp and upsetting angles, think not so much of disruption but of change to something purer, something that flows better for you.
Drink the entire container of water during your spiritual work as you visualize it purifying, flowing, etc.
Throughout the next 28 days, drink water as often as possible instead of other liquids, and each time you do, recall this working and bless yourself.
Don’t forget to read the other astrology articles focusing on the eclipse this week!
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