Discover how talking to the Universe can help you manifest answers to your deepest questions and guide your decisions.
Sometimes when I’m alone, I talk to the Universe. Some people call that praying. In any case, it’s a personal way of figuring out what I want to manifest and then setting manifestation in motion.
If you’ve read my book, Give Your Life Direction, you know that I often set goals for the day by stating plainly on my morning commutes what I’d like to see come to me throughout the day. But sometimes, I find myself out for a 15-minute drive through my neighborhood late at night because I have unanswered questions–and I always want answers.
A few months back, I was having a restless night. It was too, too late to go for a walk and I thought I’d go stir-crazy in the house or that I might disturb house guests, so I slipped out to the car for a quiet ride alone. As often happens, I found it helpful to verbalize my quandaries and in such a way that no human house guest would overhear. I needed to “talk out” my insecurities.
“Dear Universe,” I finally said about a mile from my house, “I really need to know _____.” There. I’d defined what was bothering me. But I didn’t stop there. I had several more things I needed to know for my own peace of mind, so I stated those, too. Then I went home and slept soundly.
A few days later, I realized all my questions had been answered. In rather unusual ways.
A week or so later, I found myself discouraged and confused. Same issue as before but with different questions. I went for a short drive, stated my questions, and then went home to bed. Over the next week, my questions again were answered, one by one, in unusual ways.
Since then, I find that I play Q&A with the Universe about once a week. Most of the time, I walk out my frustrations–and for my health, too!–and have time to meditate or evaluate, whichever I need at the time. If I’m not able to walk as much because of my schedule or an occasional injury, then I plan for short, peaceful drives when I can turn off the music or the podcasts and simply state openly to the night air that I need to know something in particular.
And the answers come.
These are not easy answers. They’re sometimes not easy to take, but I need to know them to make certain decisions in my life. They aren’t easy guesses either. In most cases, the questions are complex and so are the answers, right down to a specific location or event. Sometimes the answer comes in an eerie, almost unbelievable way, such as when someone accidentally dials my number and spills secrets to me, thinking I’m someone else, or when a key player in someone else’s drama calls out of the blue and asks my advice in the situation, not knowing at all that I’m aware of the situation. Oh, this is fun!
This week was a big one for me. I went for a drive on a Tuesday night and laid out two questions that had a direct impact on my professional plans. On Thursday, I had my answers via an unexpected phone call from the only person in the world who could have answered the question for me. The reason for the call had absolutely nothing to do with my worries, but in the last minute of the conversation, the caller decided to pour out her heart over a dilemma she was facing and gave me excruciatingly specific details of what I needed to know to make a particular professional decision. This was not bland information that applies to anyone and everyone, but rather, I was given very private information about someone else’s situation that could have had a serious effect on my career. Hmmm. Poof–I had my answer and nothing to worry about. If the information had been different, then at least I would have had advance notice to salvage a bad situation.
So when I say I’m asking the Universe what’s around the next corner, I truly am asking. And I’m truly knowing that the answer is forthcoming. Soon. Very soon. And in an unusual but helpful way.

Law of Attraction-themed thriller! Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.