What It Is Wednesday: Time Speeds Up


For a few years now, I’ve been feeling the energy of autumn not at the end of August or in September but the first week of August, even when it’s 105 outside. Like sensing 2nd harvest at 1st harvest, for those of you who understand that reference. For those who don’t, we’ll, there’s still a sense of Autumn that this farm girls feels in her bones. Last year, Autumn came around the 4th of July, def by the 7th. It was like July–energetically–didn’t happen at all. I took calculations and compass readings against previous years and could tell something was different in the skies, and I have my July ’15 calculations ready to compare over this month. From where I sit right now, I can see the sun sinking in the sky from my computer, which until last summer, had never happened from this location. So, like some of you, I keep track. And I’ll be curious to see when you start to feel Autumn coming in. It hasn’t hit me yet, but it feels like I’m on the verge of it.

If what I’m speaking of is foreign to you, you’re probably not a farm kid/gardener, follower of Earth-centered spirituality of any sort, an empath or “highly sensitive person,” or someone who pays attention to these sorts of things. Yeah, we don’t usually talk about it in public but some of us are big-time watchers of what’s happening to our planet. If you’re not watching, I won’t fuss at you, but I don’t understand why more people don’t notice these changes. I’m just so attuned to it that I can’t help but notice.

The seasonal energies have sped up in another way that I’ve not looked at before. I worked with my shaman friend Kelley back in late December to look at the seasons of this year and the expectations as I moved throughout this year of my life. January was right on track and February was close as was March, though each subsequent month’s results came about week earlier than the previous month. But April! The expected energies of April hit in the last few days of March…29 March to be precise. The expected energies of May started taking hold for me on 4 April but I wasn’t sure until 28 April, when it was in full effect and I was happy and shocked and a little overcharged emotionally. The main energies of June, expected to hit at Father’s Day, began amping up in mid-May and hit me hard in the first week of June, followed by and mixing with the expectations of July. I surrendered to the July energies on 14 June. And then August…the revelatory energies I did not expect to deal with until probably late August (which were spelled out to me in March by a third party unaware of my spiritual work) hit me this morning at 3:44 AM, 2 July, when I woke up with an epiphany, a new understanding of someone’s agenda that I had never realized until I sat bolt upright and suddenly knew. This doesn’t mean I don’t have to deal with results of this epiphany, but the seasonal energies are happening much sooner than I would have thought. As if they’ve sped up a month, at least…maybe two. My like-minded friends will have to tell me if they’ve noted the sped-up seasons.

And when you walk outside at twilight and it’s still over 100 degrees heat index but you “feel” fall in the air, let me know.

Key Takeaway: The changes in the patterns of earth, passing time and seasons are evident when you watch out for them.


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