I love beautiful tarot and oracle cards, so for each chapter of each novel I write, I draw a card from one of my decks and read it intuitively. For this chapter, I drew 3 of Swords – Shadowscapes Tarot. See the bottom of the page for information about the novel.
A Casting of Cards (Chapter 10 ), The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks
Interesting! I’ve drawn from the ShadowScapes Tarot deck again, this time the Three of Swords. Moving from the Two of Swords to the Three of Swords, we have a progression of energy here as Lilah better understands the future of her relationship with Charlie.
Three of Swords often shows three swords piercing a heart and represents heartbreak or betrayal. In this deck, the card shows a beautiful white swan with three swords literally stabbing it in the back. The shield above has a bleeding heart on it. Even the shield is bleeding.
Lilah is definitely feeling betrayed and confused. She has since childhood been an emotional ugly duckling and now that she’s trying to become someone emotionally healthier by trading takers for givers, she’s blindsided by a man addicted to being a martyr, even at her expense. She’s hurting inside and trying to hide it behind her shields. Even with the support of her closest friends, it’s a burden she bears alone.

Law of Attraction, magical library, ancient artifact, witches and librarians. Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.
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