Trust Card

Novel Tarot: Trust Card- Spellcasting Oracle Deck

I love beautiful tarot and oracle cards, so for each chapter of each novel I write, I draw a card from one of my decks and read it intuitively. For this chapter, I drew the Trust Card – Spellcasting Oracle Deck. See the bottom of the page for information about the novel.

Between Crossroads and Cliffs (Chapter 20 ), The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks

Whereas in the last chapter the thing that Lilah needed most was Closure, what Charlie needs most is represented by the Trust card from the Spellcasting Oracle Deck.

It may seem strange that Trust is so important to Charlie after he’s lied and hidden secrets from Lilah and others for the last few months and after he’s made an unexpected choice in mates, but from his point of view, he’s desperate to be able to trust:  trust that Lilah is wrong, trust that Rune’s intentions and love are true, trust himself.

In his gut, he knows something is amiss with Rune, but because he’s fallen for her, he trusts her.  In this case, the trust is based on his need for the illusion to be real.

By comparison, Lilah is able to trust Raven, Nike, and Illyria because they’ve shown her that the illusion is not real and she can trust the reality over Charlie’s lies.

Law of Attraction novel

Law of Attraction, magical library, ancient artifact, witches and librarians. Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.

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