Dependability Card - Sacred Earth Oracle Deck

Novel Tarot: Dependability Card – Sacred Earth Oracle Deck

I love beautiful tarot and oracle cards, so for each chapter of each novel I write, I draw a card from one of my decks and read it intuitively. For this chapter, I drew the Dependability Card – Sacred Earth Oracle Deck. See the bottom of the page for information about the novel.

The Gift of Friendship (Chapter 22 ), The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks

For this chapter, I have pulled a card to represent what Lilah has found in her new relationship with the Daeganean Last Priest and two priestesses from the Darbyshire Memorial Scholar’s Library.  I’ve drawn a card from the Sacred Earth Oracle deck, Dependability.

We may think of new partnerships in terms of the excitement they bring to us, but an often undervalued part of all relationships is being able to depend on the other person.  Imagine having everything you need in the other person—whether family, friend, or lover—and not getting it because you can’t depend on them.   

Even Lilah’s mother, dependable for the first ten years of her life, is no longer there for her to depend on.  Her past lovers and friends have not been dependable.  Charlie, for all his belief in himself and others’ belief in him as a “good man,” has not been someone she can depend on.  

She knows she can depend on the professor and maybe on her friend, Emry, but there’s a new level of dependability and trust that she finds in this particular cell of the Daeganean priesthood.  She’s been shown their close-knit network and entwinement of lives in such a way that she finally sees Dependability modeled for her and knows at last exactly how it looks.

Law of Attraction novel

Law of Attraction, magical library, ancient artifact, witches and librarians. Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.

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