Category: Financial Freedom
Financial Lessons: Paying Off Debt Will Lower Your FICO Score
This post on being penalized with a lower FICO score for paying off debt early is post #6 in my series on financial freedom and spirituality. Once upon a time, I had a FICO score of 900. Okay, okay, not really. It was actually something like 842. I had lots of credit card debt I…
Keeping Savings Accounts vs Paying Off Debt
This post on savings accounts vs paying down debt is post #4 in my series on financial freedom and spirituality. This post on savings accounts vs paying down debt is post #4 in my series on financial freedom and spirituality. Once I had paid off my monthly bills and the ones due in the next…
Trading Credit Cards with Rewards Programs for Cash-Flowing Bills
This post on cash-flowing vs credit cards is post #3 in my series on financial freedom and spirituality. When I decided to pay off the car, then the house, I sat down and came up with a plan…naturally…and found a few chinks in the plan right away. First of all, I didn’t have extra cash…
Finding Money: On a Roll with the Law of Attraction
Learn how adopting a “finding money” mindset can help you become debt-free and transform your financial and spiritual life. This post on finding money is post #2 in my series on financial freedom and spirituality. Before I walk you through all the steps I’m taking and have taken to become free of my debt both…
Emotional and Financial Freedom: Debt-Free and Spirituality in 2013
Yes, I’m still alive! Really. Busy, busy! For those of you who were worried about my absence, thanks for asking. It wasn’t that anything was wrong–too many things were right all at the same time. For most of the last 3 months, I’ve been working 10-12 hours a day on a high-viz project, then coming…