Category: **Most Popular**
Healthy Homemade Chocolate Candy
I promised you my favorite healthy homemade chocolate candy recipe, didn’t I? I’ve been tweaking this one for about 2 years, and I’ve found a version that suits my particular health needs perfectly. Translation: no gluten so that I’m not sicksicksick, no sugar so my blood glucose doesn’t soar, and extra virgin coconut oil which…
Will Self-Published Authors Learn a Terrible Truth about their Readers? (Part 2)
Continued from Will Self-Published Authors Learn a Terrible Truth about their Readers? (Part 1) In Part 1, I told you about my most and least successful books, whether traditionally published by mega-giants or through my tiny independent publishing company. But what of that “terrible truth” about readers? Or people an author thinks are readers? Until…
Will Self-Published Authors Learn a Terrible Truth about their Readers? (Part 1)
Self-published authors abound these days, even ones with New York Times Bestseller on their resumes. Many are in for a surprise, both about what sells and…um…the honesty of some of their “readers.” I’ll discuss the latter in Part 2. In my own writing career–not to be confused with my career with the Department of…
Lorna’s Weekly Link Love – Uplifters, Food Conspiracies, and Recipes
Okay, computer’s out of the shop but it’s going to take me at least another week to reset all my efficiency tools and re-organize the mess of data that was rescued. Thankfully, I have a cloud backup, but all my presets must be reaccomplished and my programs must be reloaded. Ugh. So, excuses, excuses. …
The Leptin Reset: Week 4 Results, or Can Insomnia Make You Fat?
My big ass breakfast was about 10 ounces of grilled salmon, and I wasn’t the least big hungry until around 3:30. Meal #2 of the day, late in the afternoon and shown here was 2 5-ounce organic beef patties, grilled, with sautéed veggies–sweet onions and mushrooms with herbs. This big ass supper comprised the rest…