Category: Pagan Blog Project
Irony: So Help Me God and Making Oaths to Other Gods
Is an oath an oath if it’s sworn in the name of someone else’s god? You’d think that jury duty and court cases would remember the premise of separation of Church and State. What if the defendant is an atheist? Or Muslim? Or Wiccan? Does this mean only Christians can sit in judgment? Will a…
Everyday Is a Jury of our Peers
Herb garden meets Stonehenge. Photo by Lorna Tedder. From a young age, I was taught not to judge others, even though the people who preached did little to practice it. Not judging was one of the earliest lessons I was taught in church…a church that did not allow anyone of another race, religion, or “alternative…
G Is for Get Over It
Though the term get over it has been used as early as 1839, it’s been a useful and oft-used buzzword since the early 90’s. As part of my spiritual practice, I will be using it more. I can be the politest and most compassionate person in the world, but at times when I am truly…
Discrimination Against Pagan Religions in the Federal Workplace, and some Good News
Full Moon rising beneath an American flag, while I’mout for an early evening walk and communion with Nature. Below, at work at twilight. Here I am in the heart of the Bible Belt. You can’t throw a stick without doing it in Jesus’ name. This is still the area of the country where you meet…