Category: Pagan Blog Project
Allowing: “I’ll Take Care of It,” God Said
Dancing widdershins? Or going backwards? Photo from an evening walk at the January 2011 Full Moon, rising just beyond this sign. For readers of The Spiritual Eclectic, here’s a freebie on January 13-14 — a pagan love story. For as much magick as we work and work hard at, too, sometimes the hardest part is…
Art as an Act of Faith
Art, I am discovering, is the ultimate act of faith. Do you see this photo of the path through the woods? I cannot see where this path ends. As with Life, I can see only a few steps ahead. In places where the path is straighter, I can see farther, but what’s around that next…
The Year in Faith: Pagan Blog Project Fridays Throughout 2012
Writing is my way of working through emotional or spiritual turmol, whether it’s fiction, essays, or the dozen and more non-fiction guides I’ve written. I’ve found my audience–both Christian and Pagan–and I appreciate them very much for their open-mindedness and willing to explore new aspects of spirituality. I used to blog about spiritual matters and…