Category: Relationships
Q&A on the Law of Attraction Relationship Book
Occasionally I get questions on the books sold through this site, particularly on ones I’ve written. I frequently write new articles that are related to some of these books and new insights that have arisen since they were published. Some of those articles will be incorporated into future editions, but for now, they’re free to…
Fifth Chakra Exercise: What I Wish I Could Say (2010 Version)
Photo copyright by addictedImage; Creative Commons License Every year around this time, I do a little life coaching exercise that’s featured in Give Your Life Direction. The idea is to make a list of things I wish I could say but, for whatever reason, can’t. Maybe because the other person is dead. Maybe because it…
Long-Distance Relationships, Says the Tarot, and Why That’s Just Fine
A few favorite cards from Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor Grimassi’s The Well-Worn Path deck I have a lot of friends who read Tarot cards–and every last one of them is pretty good at it! Invariably, when we get together, we somehow end up drooling over the beautiful artwork of the newest deck among…
Find Your Vibration by Looking at Your Friends
Photo credit by katiew; creative commons license Know your vibration? Just summarize the qualities of your friends and relationships, and you’ll find your vibrational match. One of the basic tenets of the Law of Attraction is that we attract to us that which is similar in “frequency.” The problem is, how do you figure out…
Four Man Plan Dating Guide: Good Advice for Attracting Back
Photo credit by tamaki; creative commons license Cindy Lu’s The Four Man Plan: A Romantic Sciencedating guide offers advice that may help you attract back the love of your life—or at least attract a social life in the meanwhile. The most difficult thing for people looking to “attract back” lost lovers is to stop…