Category: Relationships
Getting What You Want
Are you getting what you want? I am. Finally. And the change is most evident by looking around my home. While working on a refurbishment project both inside and outside my house, I had begun to notice a pattern I’d somehow missed. It’s a pattern of doing without, of sacrificing, of settling for less than…
Minding Your Own Business: What I Learned from Hate-Filled Ex-Friends
Minding your own business seems like such a trite expression or even a cringe-worthy reprimand, but thanks to a few ex-friends, I’m in more of a live-and-let-live stance than I’ve ever been in before. More than anything, their gleeful shunning reminded me of how much I’ve changed in how and even whether I judge other…
The No Longer List
As my body tries to heal, I find that the usual drains on my energy are too much for me and I need to conserve and focus on myself. Helping other people has been such a norm for so long that it’s hard to make the switch, but I am slashing through some of the…
Throwing Good after Bad
photo by admitchell08; creative commons license There’s an old saying about throwing good money after bad. It means that you’ve discovered something isn’t working but you continue to spend money on it, usually hoping that more money will improve on something useless or inefficient. But what if it’s not money or anything physical? For…
Believing in Myself: 3 Moments I Knew I Had my Confidence Back
Photo by Jean Goff; creative commons license I’m a big fan of looking over your shoulder every now and then to know how far you’ve come. I can point to three different events in recent months that have been solid proof to me that I have my self-confidence back, and really, maybe even to…