Category: Relationships
Taking the Right Action to "Attract Back" Someone Special
Photo by Metronome0, used under a Creative Commons License. Do you have to take action to attract someone back into your life?The short answer is yes, but not in the way you might think. For that, you have to read the very long answer. The action that brings someone back into your life is…
Authenticity and Moving Forward (Comparing Men to Mud)
Photo by Aislinn Bailey. I am suddenly living my life “in the open.” But that’s not quite the right analogy. Queen of Metaphors that I am, I am still searching for the best way to describe this new shift in my life toward even more brutal authenticity of emotion. For several years now, I’ve allowed…
Allowing the Universe to Take Care of You
Fabulous photo by Niemster, used under the Creative Commons License. Most days, I’m in a fairly blissful state of knowing I’m being “taken care of” by the Universe. This wasn’t always so obvious in the past and many times, I thought I knew better than the Universe (or God or the Gods or whatever term…
A Wonderful Summer Solstice
Photo by littlesprite; used with permission; all rights reserved. With rain on the horizon, a lot of local Solstice rituals were cancelled because they were weather dependent. Or because it was just way too hot outside. Neither was a problem for us. The weather cooled down the moment the circle was cast, the mosquitoes we’d…