Category: SacredSpaces
The Provisional New 7 Wonders of Nature: A Bucket List of Travel
The New 7 Wonders of Nature have been tentatively announced after the first count of votes on 11/11/11, though the final 7 may differ once the votes are confirmed. Being the Nature Girl that I am and finding wonders in everything in nature, I was intrigued by the idea of what 7 places in Nature…
The Emotional Energy of Your Space: Empty Nests, Divorced Bedrooms, and Baby’s Rooms
Photo by Lorna Tedder, copyright 2011. Of course, people re-arrange rooms when a relationship breaks up or a child leaves home…or a relationship solidifies into shared space or a new addition is welcomed into the family! Spaces fill up with energy, usually the energy of the person who occupied it or with the energy of…
Ley Lines and Streams of Energy (Part 1)
I have two ley lines in my house, and they are strong streams of energy that are very different. In addition, I have a few “power spots” that feel like pools of energy. The more I learn about these ley lines, the more questions I have, such as: – Do all ley…
How to Visit Holy Ground
Whenever I’ve visited a place I consider sacred ground, I must both approach and leave it in a respectful way. Otherwise, I have a hard time absorbing the specialness of it and an even harder time breaking loose from it. I first discovered that I needed a technique for getting the most out of such…