Category: Starting Over
The Dark Night of the Soul
Sparklers on the Fairy Tree, a fav of neighborhood children. Photo copyright by Lorna Tedder. The Dark Night of the Soul is a rather ominous term for something that happens in some lives, but not all. I believe that some people actually make it through their entire existence on the planet without encountering anything as…
The Ball’s in his Court?
Photo credit by Isobel T; creative commons license. I’ve been divorced long enough that few people tell me what to do anymore, or how to do it, or –heaven forbid—how to play the game. Maybe they grew tired of it. Or maybe it was the less willing ear I give them now, accompanied by plenty…
Lessons of Worthlessness from the Lack of Being Heard
Growing up, I spent a lot of time roaming the countryside around my home. Back then, there were many trees in the fields–now taken by lightning–and many old barns around the farm–now taken by storms and rot. The land itself has always been peaceful to me, and in my dreams and meditations, this is my…
From Heartbreak to Higher Ground: Turning Points in Our Lives
This photo reminds me of the 5 of Wands Tarot card, the sense of desolation Of course, 5’s in the Tarot are all about choices….. Photo copyright by Aislinn Bailey, all rights reserved. When you’re in the midst of a heartbreak or trauma, it’s very easy feel stuck in the muck. I have come to…