Tag: 2008

  • Meet Us at the Florida Pagan Gathering

    Photo of Shannon playing with a garden scepter, by Lorna Tedder Just a reminder to all of our friends in Florida– Shannon, Aislinn, and I will be attending the Florida Pagan Gathering at Camp Ocala for Beltaine 2008!  We’ll be there laaaaate Thursday, May 1st (after Shannon’s college classes) and leaving early Sunday, May 4th…

  • The Year of the Rat Starts Early

    It wasn’t until I heard about the undersea earthquakes that I remembered it was the Year of the Rat…and what exactly that’s supposed to portend. My artist friend, Jillian, is seriously  into Chinese astrology, but it’s never really been that interesting to me.  Until she came along, my only working knowledge of Chinese astrology was…