Tag: Energy
Is "Going Green" a Fad or a Trend?
Photo by hurleygurley “Let me hear you make decisions without your television….” “Stripped,” — Depeche Mode I predict that “Going Green” will be the top buzz phrase of 2008. And, as with most things that become “popular” when I’ve been doing them for a long while without the benefit of its popularity, my cynicism is…
General Weirdness and Escalating Chaotic Energy
Watch how things circle around within a few hours’ time. This is kind of…interesting. The general weirdness of this week continues. I’m not sure if it’s the contentious Aries/Libra full moon or the price of gas, but people are highly agitated this week, especially over the past few days. I can explain it away at…
The Kundalini Rise Is Rocket Fuel for a Blast from the Past
Photo of Beale AFB antennas by casch52 As with most Mercury Retrogrades, people from my past are coming out of the woodwork, but the most amazing thing was not the phone call I received late today but in what happened before. I’m left with an odd feeling of intense interest, annoyance, and a little bit…