Tag: gossip
Minding Your Own Business: What Does It Matter?
August Full Moon 2010. Photo Copyright by Lorna Tedder The next time you find yourself getting all stirred up over something someone else is doing, ask yourself, “What does it matter? How does it affect MY life?” For example? How about “for examples”? Here are a few conversations I’ve noted in the last week: …
The Beam in Your Eye–and Not the Good Kind
I cannot stand gossip. No, wait. It’s more than that. It’s discussion of other people at a level that I never even considered gossip before but now, it irritates me to the point of wanting to throw people out restaurant windows. I think this is what that Bible verse means about noticing the speck of…
I Curse Your Name: the Blackest of Magicks
Theatrical photo by arbron; creative commons license I have a house full of company this summer, but it’s oh-so-pleasant and has settled into a nice pattern of incense wafting upward from the countertop, couscous on the stove, wine in my glass, Brian playing the piano or guitar, Amy singing, Robert drumming on the table over…