Tag: P90X
Health: Relief for Painful Knees
Photo copyright by Lorna Tedder, self-portrait with mirrors. It’s been 15 years since I’ve worn heels. In 2004, upon ordering me to physical therapy just to be able to walk without tears, my physician declared that I’d be a “flats girl” for the rest of my life. My dates have seen me wear high heels…
Losing 20 Pounds in 30 Days: Part 6 — Why I Fired My Doctor
Continued from Losing 20 Pounds in 30 Days: Part 5 — Are Your Parents to Blame for Weight Gain? So why did I fire my doctor? First, my apologies for taking so long to come back to this blog to continue this series, but between the new job, tons of overtime, and bestest friend,…
A Seasonal Review: What Were the Most Satisfying Moments of Summer 2010?
The watch-shrub in my neighbor’s yard. Hope it doesn’t escape from that leash! Photo copyright by Lorna Tedder, all right reserved. I’m taking my cue from friend Maggie Shayne and doing a “seasonal review.” As this long, hot summer of 2010 fades away—the first hints of Autumn cool are on the horizon—I don’t want to…