Tag: Relationships
When Not to Keep a Secret
Photo Credit by pdjs-photos; creative commons license Keeping secrets can be dangerous. It’s not that they can’t be kept, but if they’re kept at a price, then that price tends to manifest into something harmful. Though I’m fairly open myself and have very few secrets, I still know and keep many secrets that aren’t harmful…
Attracting the Wrong Kind of People, and Why
Photo credit by -RobW-; creative commons license From the upcoming book, 23 Ways I Screwed Up My Life with the Law of Attraction—and How I Fixed It I had a date with a man I can’t get out of my head. Normally, that would be a wonderful thing because—normally–there would be something pleasantly fascinating about…
Falling in Love off the Beaten Path
The Country Squire Inn and Restaurant between Kenansville and Warsaw, North Carolina. Article originally published in Life in the Third Degree. In the summer of 2003, I took Shannon with me on a road trip, just the two of us. She was at an important age, going into the eighth grade, which in my…
Q&A on the Law of Attraction Relationship Book
Occasionally I get questions on the books sold through this site, particularly on ones I’ve written. I frequently write new articles that are related to some of these books and new insights that have arisen since they were published. Some of those articles will be incorporated into future editions, but for now, they’re free to…
Find Your Vibration by Looking at Your Friends
Photo credit by katiew; creative commons license Know your vibration? Just summarize the qualities of your friends and relationships, and you’ll find your vibrational match. One of the basic tenets of the Law of Attraction is that we attract to us that which is similar in “frequency.” The problem is, how do you figure out…