Tag: Saturn
What’s Retrograde and Direct in 2024 and 2025?
Here’s a comprehensive list of when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Chiron station retrograde and direct for the years 2024 and 2025. These dates include the periods when each of these celestial bodies changes direction, which is significant in astrology for understanding shifts in energy and focus. Mercury – Retrograde: –…
Negative Aspects of Juno in Synastry
Discover how negative Juno aspects in synastry reveal the potential for commitment, stability, and harmony in relationships. While Juno’s positive aspects in synastry can enhance commitment and harmony, its negative aspects can present significant challenges to a relationship. Understanding these aspects can help couples navigate potential pitfalls and work towards a balanced and fulfilling partnership.…
Positive Aspects of Juno in Synastry
Discover how positive Juno aspects in synastry reveal the potential for commitment, stability, and harmony in relationships. Juno, the asteroid of commitment, marriage, and long-term partnerships, plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of relationships. When analyzing synastry charts, the placement and aspects of Juno reveal valuable insights into the potential for commitment, stability,…
Fun with the Politics of Astrology
Both Obama and McCain’s vice-president picks are intriguing, from an astrological viewpoint, especially in this struggle between Saturn (experience, structure, the old way of doing business) and Uranus (change, shake-ups), which is playing out in politics with great fanfare and will be exact, astrologically, on Election Day. Obama has definitely been the most Uranian…