Tag: self-improvement
To Find Your "Vibration," Just Look Around
One of the basic tenets of the Law of Attraction is that we attract to us that which is similar in “vibration.” The problem is, how do you figure out what your vibration is so you can clean it up and attract something better. Actually, this is one of the easier Law of Attraction questions…
Exploring your own Mysteries
A couple of months ago, author Christopher Penczak led me to a wonderful insight–that regardless of our spirituality, we are all seeking the deeper mysteries. This explains why many Christians are seeking more occult knowledge and many pagans are committing to new paths, some attaining clergy status in multiple traditions or experimenting with some of…
Life Purpose: Why Some People Just Don’t Get it
Photo copyright by alicepopkorn; creative commons license. Life purpose. Some people just don’t get it. Then again, some people want everyone else’s life purpose to match theirs. This is really rather…normal. We live our lives by a certain theme and we cannot understand why someone else isn’t as passionate about that theme as we are.…