Tag: Uranus

  • Fun with the Politics of Astrology

    Both Obama and McCain’s vice-president picks are intriguing, from an astrological viewpoint, especially in this struggle between Saturn (experience, structure, the old way of doing business) and Uranus (change, shake-ups), which is playing out in  politics with great fanfare and will be exact, astrologically, on Election Day.   Obama has definitely been the most Uranian…

  • Passion Is Killing Me (aka the Uranus-Venus Combo)

    Photo by Bhardwag Passion is killing me. I can’t keep going like this. I have got to get more than 3 hours of sleep per night! I had been warned about this.  All the prophets in my life told me this was coming. I’ve been hearing about it for several years now from older women…

  • Fun and Games with Eclipses

    Photo  of the 3 October 2005 Eclipse by   Victor Nuno   For those of you who follow astrology and enjoy watching patterns, a lot is going on  in the next couple of weeks.  We just had Pluto enter business-minded, structured Capricorn, which will have interesting ramifications on the global turf or, if you prefer, the things…